Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Shoved to Them contest

A while back, I read some blog entries that I saw posted on Facebook. The blog is written by the sister of a guy I know from when he and his wife were at Fort Benning with me, and after following the links several times and thoroughly enjoying the blog each time, I caved and become a bona fide "follower" of the blog. Recently, her blog won an award from the Cannonball Catholic Awards (award given to excellent Catholic bloggers), and she got pounced on by sponsors.

So... in light of one of her sponsors and their contest on her blog, I am posting a link to her blog as I shamelessly promote it to get an extra entry in the contest. :)

Shoved to Them Blog


Rebecca Frech said...

That's 3 entries by my count. Good for you!

BTW, aren't Doug and Erin the best?

ibleedorange said...

Yes, they are! I especially enjoyed when they invited me over and Erin cooked for me once or twice when I was a lonely bachelor soldier with a rarity of homecooked meals...

Rebecca Frech said...

And then you won. See how well that worked out for you?