Monday, May 24, 2010

Unforgivable Cliches

I just watched Mission Impossible 2 (or rather, it was on in the background while I used my computer-- that movie can't hold my attention the entire way through) and I was reminded of how much I hate certain cliches in movies. So, inspired by the ugly duckling of the MI series, here is my list of cliches I can't stand.
  • Bad Guy cronies dying from only slight injuries instead of rightly saying "tis just a flesh wound!"
  • Main Bad Guy NOT dying from MAJOR injuries. Ever seen the end of MI 2? How long can a final fight possible be dragged out?
  • Main Bad Guy giving Main Good Guy one last chance rather than just ending it and shooting him in the back like any sensible villain would.
  • Sequels that do not follow the basic formula of what made their predecessors great. (Mission Impossible, Indiana Jones, Pirates of the Caribbean, and The Matrix to name a few.)
  • Good Guy having the Bad Guy in his sights, but not pulling the trigger because he is just that good of a guy, only to have to kill him at the end of the movie anyways.
  • Plot lines where knowing how much time is left impacts your view of the events. (If it is only an hour into the movie, of course their plan to save the day will fail!)

1 comment:

TheFreedomTrombone said...

Interesting point about the differing style of the MI movies. Part of it is that all the films have different directors:
1 had Brian DePalma, 2 had John Woo, and 3 had JJ Abrams. 2 is my least favorite--just too over-the-top for my taste. First one is fun but I think the plot is a bit convoluted. 3 is my favorite by far--exciting but still plausible. Then again, I enjoy just about everything Abrams does.