Friday, June 18, 2010

In Search of Work

We are looking for a job for Deanna... again. Unfortunately, while we keep having luck with jobs offering 2 or 3 hours per week (child care--only through the school year, and senior care), those types of jobs are meant to be a supplement. In the meantime, my hours should pick up this summer as I am available twice as often, although those hours are still not guarenteed.

Today we set out on a quest to get job applications. We stopped at several clothing stores, several restaurants (both fast food and sit down), movie theaters, as well as drug and department stores. During the first half of the trip, the most common phrase heard was "we're not hiring right now, but we always accept applications." It was starting to get frustrating, but then in the second half of our quest, things started to pick up with things like "we are hiring, but please turn your application in ASAP!" Such a lovely phrase to hear in this phase of a job search.

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