Monday, January 19, 2009

Cold at the Range

I am finally almost back to my normal self now. After going through two rolls of toilet paper, I upgraded by buying some kleenex (with lotion!) from the commissary. I guess having my upper lip look like it had a red Hitler mustache was a hint that the toilet paper, while cheap, was a no-go. I just happen to like having a lip that is NOT red from being rubbed raw. Though, for the record, there was probably a half roll of army toilet paper in there too, which might as well be sand paper if you use it more than twice. Also for the record, Vaseline is AWESOME if you are raw from sand paper tissue.

I also went to the range last week despite being sick and coughing up everything and then some, but fortunately it wasn't much of an issue as I didn't cough much during the actual shooting. Actually, the cold conditions were much worse than my own cold. I was wishing I had brought a change of socks because my feet sweat a bit in the heated bus ride, and then I stepped into a very cold environment right after. Not fun. The range itself was fairly disorganized (as many things seem to be here, outside of my unit), so as a result, about half of my group wasn't able to get our rifles zeroed (calibrated so that it fires where we aim-- each person holds the rifle slightly differently, so it has to be adjusted to the firer), so rather than come the next day and waste time during the "qualification day," we opted to just come back next month and start already half-zeroed. Despite my lack of firing many rounds, though, it was pretty fun during the 45 minutes I actually got to shoot. The rifle really feels at home in my hands, making it really ironic that I want to be a chaplain and have the only job in the Army that disallows me to every carry a fire-arm...

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