I just got done with a major cleaning of my room. Well... I just got done with what I am doing tonight in a major cleaning of my room. Now not only can you see my entire rug and vacuum it, but you can see most of the floor around it too. Pretty much all that is left is a huge pile in half of my closet (in my defense, most of it is army gear that I never use but have to store), a small pile, and some stuff under my bed (again, not as bad there either... a big suitcase stored there makes it look like more is under there). That, and the remnants of the clutter on my desk are all that is left. It ended up taking about 3 hours, though at least 45-60 minutes of that was primarily laundry, and I admit, I did distract myself with the computer on more than one occasion. The laundry took forever in itself because today before and during work was the first time I've really been able to take care of it in almost three weeks because every laundry day, and every alternate laundry day I've had, I have had to work when I would normally be washing my clothes. And now that you are so proud of me for showing initiative, I'll also add that I heard there will be light room inspection in the next day or two. :)

A couple weeks ago I found a new band that I really like called Eisley. It features three sisters, a brother, and a cousin, though the two guys don't sing (at least on the album I have). They are a pop/indie band, and though I haven't really gotten much of those genres before, I really liked what I heard when I listened to one of their songs on the radio-- their harmonizations are simply amazing. Their original name was going to be Moss Eisley (named for the Mos Eisley in Star Wars), but obvious legal worries prompted them to drop the Moss. Anyways, if you ever get the chance, check them out.
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